Update Helm release cilium to v1.17.1
This MR contains the following updates:
Package | Update | Change |
cilium (source) | minor |
1.16.2 -> 1.17.1
Release Notes
cilium/cilium (cilium)
: 1.17.1
Summary of Changes
Minor Changes:
- [v1.17] agent: Deprecate lb-only mode (#37391, @brb)
- helm: Update CiliumNodeConfig version (Backport MR #37440, Upstream MR #37403, @sayboras)
- ces: Fix bug where stale endpoint information was injected into IPCache (Backport MR #37416, Upstream MR #37347, @gandro)
- socket-lb: Fix null pointer dereference in socketlb/cgroup.go (Backport MR #37440, Upstream MR #37426, @alvaroaleman)
CI Changes:
- test: Move the dind image to Quay to avoid rate-limiting (Backport MR #37440, Upstream MR #37388, @pchaigno)
Misc Changes:
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.17) (#37502, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.17) (#37342, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency cilium/little-vm-helper to v0.0.23 (v1.17) (#37501, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update go to v1.23.6 (v1.17) (#37446, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update stable lvh-images (v1.17) (patch) (#37409, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update stable lvh-images (v1.17) (patch) (#37496, @cilium-renovate[bot])
Other Changes:
- install: Update image digests for v1.17.0 (#37432, @cilium-release-bot[bot])
Docker Manifests
: 1.17.0
We are excited to announce the Cilium 1.17.0 release!
A total of 2761 new commits have been contributed to this release by a growing community of over 880 developers and over 20,800 GitHub stars!
To keep up to date with all the latest Cilium releases, see Announcements
Here's what's new in v1.17.0:
🚦 Quality of Service: Annotate your Pods for Guaranteed, Burstable or BestEffort egress network traffic priority (#36025, @hemanthmalla) -
🌐 Multi-Cluster Service API: Use Kubernetes MCS to manage global services in a Cilium Cluster Mesh (#34439, @MrFreezeex) -
🔀 Load Balance based on L4 Protocol: Differentiate TCP and UDP based protocols for load balancing, so multiple services on the same port can be directed to different backends (#33434, @jibi) -
🧲 Per-Service LB Algorithms: Choose maglev or random load balancing algorithms for individual services (#35735, @kl52752) -
⛔ Deny lists for Service source ranges: Control whether Kubernetes loadBalancerSourceRanges are treated as an allow or deny list (#36120, @borkmann) -
🏊 Better control over IPAM: IPs can be allocated statically using AWS tags, and multi-pool can support single IP ranges for pools (#34622, @antonipp; #34618, @juliusmh) -
🔌 Dynamic MTU detection: Cilium respects changes made to MTU made at runtime without requiring agent restart (#34314, @dylandreimerink)
:guardswoman: Security
🚀 Improved network policy performance: The cost of computing complex combinations of network policies has been reduced (Various MRs by @joamaki, @jrajahalme, @marseel, @nathanjsweet, @squeed and @youngnick) -
🗂️ Prioritize critical network policies: Cilium respects Kubernetes priorityNamespaces to prioritize endpoint propagation for critical namespaces when using CiliumEndpointSlices (#34199, @Kaczyniec) -
📋 Validate Network Policies: Receive better feedback from Kubernetes when creating network policies (#34585, @squeed; #35904, @renyunkang; #36598, @pippolo84) -
🏷️ Select CIDRGroups by Label: Add labels to CIDRGroups and use these for network policy selection (#36087, @squeed) -
🛎️ Extend ToServices for in-cluster services: Services with a selector can be selected with ToServices network policies statements (#34208, @chaunceyjiang) -
🚧 FQDN Filtering for hostNetwork: Use CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy to configure Layer 7 filtering for DNS requests on nodes in the cluster (#34024, @atykhyy) -
📶 HTTP policies on port ranges: Redirect multiple ports in a single policy towards Envoy for Layer 7 filtering of HTTP traffic (#36056, @jrajahalme)
⛩️ Gateway API 1.2.1: Add support for the latest Gateway API v1.2.1 release, including HTTP retries and mirror fractions (#34720, @sayboras) -
📝 Static Gateway Addressing: Cilium now supports statically specifying addresses for gateways (#33042, @chaunceyjiang) -
🔐 Improved Envoy TLS handling: Use SDS for managing TLS visibility secrets in Envoy, improving policy calculation speed and secrets access (#35513, @youngnick)
:artificial_satellite: Observability
🔍 Dynamic Hubble Metrics: Configure Hubble metrics with a new hubble-metrics-config ConfigMap to tune your network observability (#35185, @rectified95) -
🛤️ Track enabled features using Prometheus: The cilium-agent and cilium-operator components expose Prometheus metrics for which features are enabled. (#35852, @aanm) -
📊 Many new metrics: Improved metrics related to BGP, network connections, network policy, pod management, and Cilium component status (Various MRs by @AwesomePatrol, @harsimran-pabla, @joestringer, @jshr-w, @mikejoh, @nimishamehta5, @odinuge, @ovidiutirla, @rectified95 and @sjdot)
📈 Better cluster connectivity checking: The cilium-health component for cluster-wide network connectivity health detection is better tuned for reliable health checking at high scale (#35163, @jshr-w) -
⏳ Rate-limit monitor events: Balance the number of eBPF events against the CPU usage required to process them (#29711, @siwiutki) -
👥 Double-Write Identity mode: New allocation mode for Security Identities to ease migration between CRD and KVStore identity backends (#31920, @antonipp) -
⚖️ Better scale testing: This release benefits from regular automated scale testing for network policy (#35278, @marseel)
❤️ Many end-users have stepped forward to tell their stories running Cilium in production. If your company wants to submit their case studies let us know. We would love to hear your feedback!- Seznam, Alibaba Cloud, SysEleven, QingCloud, ECCO, Reddit, Confluent, SamsungAds, and Sony
- The Cilium Annual Report 2024 was released covering all the highlights from across the community and marking the “Year of Kubernetes Networking”
- The community gathered at Cilium + eBPF Day and the Cilium Developer Summit in Salt Lake City
- Meet us at the upcoming CiliumCon and the Cilium Developer Summit in London
And finally, we would like to thank you to all contributors of Cilium that helped directly and indirectly with the project. The success of Cilium could not happen without all of you.
For the full changelog check https://github.com/cilium/cilium/blob/v1.17.0/CHANGELOG.md
Docker Manifests
: 1.16.7
Summary of Changes
Minor Changes:
- Add IngressDeny and EgressDeny rules validation for CiliumNetworkPolicy and CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy (Backport MR #37124, Upstream MR #36598, @pippolo84)
- doc: Added hostLegacyRouting limitation for Talos (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36852, @PhilipSchmid)
- agent: defend against null pointer refs in cecManager.getEndpoint() (Backport MR #37375, Upstream MR #37188, @aetimmes)
- Allow cilium agent to start on linux kernels that don't have CONFIG_XFRM. (Backport MR #37278, Upstream MR #37123, @julianwiedmann)
- ces: Fix bug where stale endpoint information was injected into IPCache (Backport MR #37417, Upstream MR #37347, @gandro)
- envoy: add configurable access log buffer size (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36823, @aetimmes)
- Fix a bug that prevents a pod from accessing Nodeport services when the pod is also in scope of a broad-range Egress Gateway policy. (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36929, @julianwiedmann)
- Fix bug causing the endpoint regeneration failure handler to be effective only once (Backport MR #37278, Upstream MR #37085, @giorio94)
- Fix bug potentially causing newly added endpoints to remain stuck in waiting-to-regenerate state forever, causing traffic from/to that endpoint to be incorrectly dropped. (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #37086, @giorio94)
- Fix specifying multiple interfaces for egress masquerade with enable-masquerade-to-route-source=false (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36103, @viktor-kurchenko)
- maps/nat/stats: Use Start context when waiting for maps (Backport MR #37278, Upstream MR #37262, @tommyp1ckles)
- nodeinit: move kubelet restart inside if/else in startup.bash (Backport MR #37375, Upstream MR #37282, @ayuspin)
- Restore the original flag semantics for --egress-masquerade-interfaces to the same as v1.17.0-pre.2 or earlier (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36504, @viktor-kurchenko)
- socket-lb: Fix null pointer dereference in socketlb/cgroup.go (Backport MR #37441, Upstream MR #37426, @alvaroaleman)
CI Changes:
- [v1.16] ctmap/gc: don't clamp conntrack scan timeout in CI (#37380, @giorio94)
- gh: harmonize lvh kernel naming scheme (Backport MR #37375, Upstream MR #37322, @julianwiedmann)
- gh: update removed --loglevel option for kind (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36935, @julianwiedmann)
- gha: bump ubuntu version in conformance-externalworkloads (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36859, @giorio94)
- gha: correctly downgrade to patch release in ipsec workflows (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36858, @giorio94)
- gha: fix retrieval of DNS server in conformance external workloads (Backport MR #37375, Upstream MR #37361, @giorio94)
- gha: Retrieve eks supported version via aws cli (Backport MR #37223, Upstream MR #37210, @sayboras)
- Modify bpftrace script in CI to ignore proxy traffic if destination is outside pod CIDRs. (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36364, @smagnani96)
- Skip tracking unmarked plain-text TCP RST packets generated from proxy timeouts in the CI bpftrace script. (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36962, @smagnani96)
- test: Fix the flake for TestRestoredPort (Backport MR #37278, Upstream MR #37106, @sayboras)
- test: Move demo-httpd from Docker to Quay (Backport MR #37278, Upstream MR #37149, @joestringer)
- test: Move the dind image to Quay to avoid rate-limiting (Backport MR #37441, Upstream MR #37388, @pchaigno)
Misc Changes:
- build: Remove debug leftover from Makefile (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36917, @gentoo-root)
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-go action to v5.3.0 (v1.16) (#37117, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#37244, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#37505, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#37343, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#37550, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency cilium/cilium-cli to v0.16.24 (v1.16) (#37338, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency cilium/little-vm-helper to v0.0.20 (v1.16) (#37215, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency cilium/little-vm-helper to v0.0.23 (v1.16) (#37503, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update go to v1.23.6 (v1.16) (#37497, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update quay.io/cilium/cilium-envoy docker tag to v1.31.5-1737535524-fe8efeb16a7d233bffd05af9ea53599340d3f18e (v1.16) (#37201, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update stable lvh-images (v1.16) (patch) (#37411, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- cilium-dbg/troubleshoot: do not import cilium-dbg from operator (Backport MR #37375, Upstream MR #37326, @aanm)
- clustermesh: Add hidden flag --allow-unsafe-policy-skb-usage (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36602, @joestringer)
- doc(glossary): Geneve as final RFC (Backport MR #37375, Upstream MR #37316, @alagoutte)
- doc: ebpf host-routing and netfilter (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36921, @PhilipSchmid)
- doc: eks cluster restriction removed (Backport MR #37278, Upstream MR #37043, @viktor-kurchenko)
- doc: Removed nodeinit from aks byocni install (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #37048, @PhilipSchmid)
- docs: Add SNI policy example (Backport MR #37375, Upstream MR #37234, @sayboras)
- docs: Clarify Identity-Relevant Labels description (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36924, @joestringer)
- docs: Fix broken link in BGP control plane docs (Backport MR #37375, Upstream MR #37241, @mikejoh)
- docs: pass current_version to html_context (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #37008, @ayuspin)
- docs: Remove stale limitation on KPR+IPsec (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #37054, @pchaigno)
- images: don't assume Dockerfile directory in builder/runtime update scripts (Backport MR #37375, Upstream MR #34488, @tklauser)
- proxy: Mark restored port as configured (Backport MR #37168, Upstream MR #36953, @jrajahalme)
- Remove outdated roadmap matrix and links to it (Backport MR #37278, Upstream MR #37170, @xmulligan)
- remove stable tags from image build (#37394, @aanm)
- renovate: add fix grpc-go autodetection (Backport MR #37278, Upstream MR #33570, @aanm)
Other Changes:
- [v1.16] envoy: Bump envoy version to v1.31.x (#37157, @sayboras)
- chore(deps): update go to v1.23.5 (v1.16) (#37189, @sayboras)
- Do not leak ipcache entries when apiserver entities are cluster external (#36927, @antonipp)
- install: Update image digests for v1.16.6 (#37154, @cilium-release-bot[bot])
- Revert "chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16)" (#37525, @sayboras)
Docker Manifests
: 1.16.6
Summary of Changes
Major Changes:
- Add feature tracking in Cilium agent as prometheus metrics (Backport MR #36263, Upstream MR #35852, @aanm)
- Add feature tracking in Cilium Operator as prometheus metrics (Backport MR #36263, Upstream MR #36077, @aanm)
Minor Changes:
- envoy: Use yaml format for bootstrap config (Backport MR #36782, Upstream MR #36820, @sayboras)
- Reject CNP/CCNP with CIDR rules where CIDRGroupRef is used in combination with ExceptCIDRs (#36561, @pippolo84)
- service: Cap number of backends included in monitor message (Backport MR #36635, Upstream MR #36394, @joamaki)
- cilium: LB source ranges fixes (Backport MR #36635, Upstream MR #36517, @borkmann)
- eni.subnetTagsFilter and eni.instanceTagsFilter are now templated to comma separated string (Backport MR #36872, Upstream MR #36617, @sderoe)
- envoy: Configure internal address config based on IP family (Backport MR #36782, Upstream MR #36733, @sayboras)
- Fix connectivity issue caused by stale cilium eBPF program when using --bpf-filter-priority (Backport MR #36635, Upstream MR #36176, @tamilmani1989)
- metrics/features: remove reporting metrics' defaults by default (Backport MR #36263, Upstream MR #36298, @aanm)
- pkg/redirectpolicy: Fix backend slices in processConfig (Backport MR #36872, Upstream MR #35496, @Sm0ckingBird)
- ui: drop CORS headers from api response (Backport MR #36872, Upstream MR #35762, @geakstr)
CI Changes:
- [v1.16] .github: Remove CI Fuzz workflow (#36641, @joestringer)
- [v1.16] gh: e2e-upgrade: use 6.12 kernel for netkit test configs (#36620, @julianwiedmann)
- [v1.16] gha: use /test to trigger tests in stable branches (#36673, @giorio94)
- ci: fix job names for various ci workflows (Backport MR #36263, Upstream MR #36397, @marseel)
- Extend the check-ipsec-leak bpftrace script to capture additional details of leaked packets (Backport MR #36872, Upstream MR #33398, @giorio94)
- gh: e2e-upgrade: add coverage for 6.6 kernel (Backport MR #36988, Upstream MR #36626, @julianwiedmann)
- gh: e2e-upgrade: de-renovate the config example (Backport MR #36635, Upstream MR #36463, @julianwiedmann)
- gha: drop leftover token parameter in net-perf-gke workflow (#36684, @giorio94)
- gha: fix merging of features-related artifacts (#36665, @giorio94)
- gha: merge artifacts in net-perf-gke workflow (Backport MR #36263, Upstream MR #36236, @giorio94)
- gha: Use ubuntu-24.04 for integration-test (Backport MR #36659, Upstream MR #36628, @sayboras)
Misc Changes:
- .github/workflows: always install cilium-cli (Backport MR #36263, Upstream MR #36234, @aanm)
- .github/workflows: do not fail ginkgo if unable to fetch features (Backport MR #36263, Upstream MR #36461, @aanm)
- .github: fix conformance-k8s NP test (Backport MR #36263, Upstream MR #36355, @aanm)
- [v1.16] Use bash syntax to consume env variable (#36636, @ferozsalam)
- Add more features tracking in Cilium agent as prometheus metrics (Backport MR #36263, Upstream MR #36078, @aanm)
- Add policy-related features tracking in Cilium agent as prometheus metrics (Backport MR #36263, Upstream MR #36203, @aanm)
- Add the tls:// prefix in the Hubble TLS doc (Backport MR #36635, Upstream MR #36410, @liyihuang)
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#36612, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#36762, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#36950, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#37099, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (patch) (#36760, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#36707, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#36787, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#36949, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#37033, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency cilium/cilium-cli to v0.16.23 (v1.16) (#36895, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update docker.io/library/busybox:1.36.1 docker digest to
(v1.16) (#36609, @cilium-renovate[bot]) - chore(deps): update docker.io/library/golang:1.22.10 docker digest to
(v1.16) (#36850, @cilium-renovate[bot]) - chore(deps): update docker.io/library/golang:1.22.10 docker digest to
(v1.16) (#36610, @cilium-renovate[bot]) - chore(deps): update go to v1.22.11 (v1.16) (#37045, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update helm/kind-action action to v1.12.0 (v1.16) (#36839, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update stable lvh-images (v1.16) (patch) (#36611, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update stable lvh-images (v1.16) (patch) (#36699, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- doc: fix typo on kubeproxy-free (CEV -> CVE) (Backport MR #36872, Upstream MR #36701, @alagoutte)
- docs: Add missing default identity label in the description of identity-relevant labels' example (Backport MR #36635, Upstream MR #36558, @liyihuang)
- docs: Clarify the behavior of CiliumNetworkPolicies toCIDRSet (Backport MR #36635, Upstream MR #36549, @verysonglaa)
- Ensure debug symbols are generated for the debug image even when stripping symbols for the release image. (Backport MR #36635, Upstream MR #36417, @EricMountain)
- Fix
make -C Documentation update-cmdref
when make uses--jobserver-style=fifo
. (Backport MR #36872, Upstream MR #36788, @gentoo-root) - fix(deps): update module golang.org/x/net to v0.33.0 [security] (v1.16) (#36711, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- ingress, gateway-api: Convert test fixtures to file based (Backport MR #36782, Upstream MR #36732, @sayboras)
- metrics/features: enable ClusterMesh (Backport MR #36263, Upstream MR #36402, @aanm)
- metrics/features: refactor metric names (Backport MR #36263, Upstream MR #36209, @aanm)
- Prepare for release v1.16.6 (#36989, @cilium-release-bot[bot])
- Remove reference to DNS polling (Backport MR #36872, Upstream MR #36679, @JacobHenner)
Other Changes:
- [v1.16] author backport: helm: avoid setting bpf-lb-sock-terminate-pod-connections (#36650, @ysksuzuki)
- install: Update image digests for v1.16.5 (#36671, @cilium-release-bot[bot])
Docker Manifests
: 1.16.5
Summary of Changes
Minor Changes:
- hubble: Stop building 32-bit binaries (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #35974, @michi-covalent)
- Address potential connectivity disruption when using either L7 / DNS Network policies in combination with per-endpoint routes and hostLegacyRouting, or L7 / DNS network policies in combination with IPsec network encryption. (Backport MR #36540, Upstream MR #36484, @julianwiedmann)
- bgp: fix race in bgp stores (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #35971, @harsimran-pabla)
- BGPv1: Fix race by reconciliation of services with externalTrafficPolicy=Local by populating locally available services after performing service diff (Backport MR #36286, Upstream MR #36230, @rastislavs)
- BGPv2: Fix race by reconciliation of services with externalTrafficPolicy=Local by populating locally available services after performing service diff (Backport MR #36286, Upstream MR #36165, @rastislavs)
- Cilium agent now waits until endpoints have restored before starting accepting new xDS streams. (Backport MR #36049, Upstream MR #35984, @jrajahalme)
- Cilium no longer keeps old DNS-IP mappings alive while reaping newer ones, leading to spurious drops in connections to domains with many IPs associated. (Backport MR #36462, Upstream MR #36252, @bimmlerd)
- cilium-health-ep controller is made to be more robust against successive failures. (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #35936, @jrajahalme)
- DNS proxy port is no longer released when endpoint with a DNS policy fails to regenerate successfully. A potential deadlock between CEC/CCEC parser and endpoint policy update is removed. (Backport MR #36468, Upstream MR #36142, @jrajahalme)
- Envoy "initial fetch timeout" warnings are now demoted to info level, as they are expected to happen during Cilium Agent restart. (Backport MR #36049, Upstream MR #36060, @jrajahalme)
- Fix an issue where pod-to-world traffic goes up stack when BPF host routing is enabled with tunnel. (Backport MR #35861, Upstream MR #35098, @jschwinger233)
- Fix identity leak for kvstore identity mode (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #34893, @odinuge)
- Fix potential Cilium agent panic during endpoint restoration, occurring if the corresponding pod gets deleted while the agent is restarting. This regression only affects Cilium v1.16.4. (Backport MR #36302, Upstream MR #36292, @giorio94)
- gateway-api: Fix gateway checks for namespace (Backport MR #36462, Upstream MR #35452, @sayboras)
- gha: Remove hostLegacyRouting in clustermesh (Backport MR #36357, Upstream MR #35418, @sayboras)
- helm: Use an absolute FQDN for the Hubble peer-service endpoint to avoid incorrect DNS resolution outside the cluster (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #36005, @devodev)
- hubble: consistently use v as prefix for the Hubble version (Backport MR #36286, Upstream MR #35891, @rolinh)
- iptables: Fix data race in iptables manager (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #35902, @pippolo84)
- lrp: update LRP services with stale backends on agent restart (Backport MR #36106, Upstream MR #36036, @ysksuzuki)
- policy: Fix bug that allowed port ranges to be attached to L7 policies, which is not permitted. (#36050, @nathanjsweet)
- Unbreak the cilium-dbg preflight migrate-identity command (Backport MR #36286, Upstream MR #36089, @giorio94)
- Use
instead ofstring()
for the correct behavior when convertingkafka.ErrorCode
. Add relevant unit tests for Kafka plugin and handler. (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #35856, @nddq)
CI Changes:
- [v1.16] ci: modularize chart CI push workflow (#35958, @ferozsalam)
- gh: conformance-clustermesh: test with IPsec + BPF NodePort (Backport MR #36462, Upstream MR #36384, @julianwiedmann)
- gha: configure environment in build-images-base/image-digests job (Backport MR #36462, Upstream MR #36318, @giorio94)
- node_local_store: prevent racey tests while using mock node store. (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #35945, @tommyp1ckles)
- Remove unnecessary hubble port-forward commands (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #33523, @michi-covalent)
Misc Changes:
- [v1.16] docs: egress masquerade selector (#36333, @viktor-kurchenko)
- [v1.16] images: bump cni plugins to v1.6.0 (#36092, @ferozsalam)
- bugtool: dump tail-call map for bpf_wireguard (Backport MR #36286, Upstream MR #36183, @julianwiedmann)
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#36155, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#36275, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#36443, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (patch) (#36277, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#35546, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#36152, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#36279, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#36444, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update cilium/little-vm-helper action to v0.0.19 (v1.16) (#36153, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update docker.io/library/golang:1.22.9 docker digest to
(v1.16) (#36222, @cilium-renovate[bot]) - chore(deps): update go to v1.22.10 (v1.16) (#36441, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update quay.io/cilium/cilium-envoy docker tag to v1.30.7-1732605705-2aa20ee3acb68cd38d57669af19508bea8f0ba62 (v1.16) (#36180, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update quay.io/cilium/cilium-envoy docker tag to v1.30.8-1733837904-eaae5aca0fb988583e5617170a65ac5aa51c0aa8 (v1.16) (#36495, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update quay.io/lvh-images/kind docker tag to bpf-20241129.013349 (v1.16) (#36278, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update quay.io/lvh-images/kind docker tag to bpf-20241206.013345 (v1.16) (#36442, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update stable lvh-images (v1.16) (patch) (#36154, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- docs: Add the tls:// prefix before the IP address (Backport MR #36286, Upstream MR #36118, @liyihuang)
- docs: Fix typo in multi-pool section title (Backport MR #36312, Upstream MR #36305, @joestringer)
- docs: In k0s guide, remove dashes to fix invalid Bash variable names. (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #35923, @yilas)
- docs: lrp: fix kernel version requirement for skipRedirectFromBackend (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #35921, @ysksuzuki)
- docs: system-requirements: require 5.4 kernel (Backport MR #36462, Upstream MR #36386, @julianwiedmann)
- docs: WireGuard doesn't require overlay port in Network Firewalls (Backport MR #36286, Upstream MR #36208, @julianwiedmann)
- Endpoint populate new policymap early if empty (Backport MR #36479, Upstream MR #36361, @jrajahalme)
- envoy: Configure internal_address_config to avoid warning log (Backport MR #36015, Upstream MR #35943, @sayboras)
- envoy: Pass tofqdns-proxy-response-max-delay to Envoy (Backport MR #36468, Upstream MR #36330, @jrajahalme)
- fix(deps): update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.31.0 [security] (v1.16) (#36530, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- Fixed BGP documentation (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #35953, @seadog007)
- images: Use cilium-builder image instead of golang to build hubble (Backport MR #36312, Upstream MR #35697, @learnitall)
- lrp: fix kernel version requirement in warning log (Backport MR #36286, Upstream MR #36141, @ysksuzuki)
- Makefile: fix swagger definition for automatic renovate updates (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #35979, @aanm)
- proxy: Take proxy port reference for new redirects immediately (Backport MR #36468, Upstream MR #36435, @jrajahalme)
- proxyports: Resolve data races in test (Backport MR #36468, Upstream MR #36399, @jrajahalme)
- proxyports: Sleep a bit longer in tests (Backport MR #36468, Upstream MR #36389, @jrajahalme)
- Remove duplicated watch on services and endpoint in the cilium-agent (Backport MR #36066, Upstream MR #35838, @MrFreezeex)
- Rework error handling logic in neighbor discovery (Backport MR #36093, Upstream MR #35144, @pippolo84)
- Silence spurious clustermesh-related warnings (Backport MR #36225, Upstream MR #35867, @giorio94)
- Update documentation for egress masquerading behavior (Backport MR #36462, Upstream MR #36267, @liyihuang)
Other Changes:
- [1.16] ci/ipsec-upgrade: increase cilium status wait duration (#36082, @harsimran-pabla)
- [v1.16] cilium, service: Fix checkLBSrcRange propagation to LB map (#36511, @borkmann)
- install: Update image digests for v1.16.4 (#36047, @cilium-release-bot[bot])
- jrajahalme/v1.16 cilium cli (#36541, @jrajahalme)
- Revert "workflows/ipsec: Cover Ingress" (#36116, @harsimran-pabla)
Docker Manifests
: 1.16.4
Security Advisories
This release addresses https://github.com/cilium/cilium/security/advisories/GHSA-xg58-75qf-9r67.
Summary of Changes
Minor Changes:
- Added Helm option 'envoy.initialFetchTimeoutSeconds' (default 30 seconds) to override the Envoy default (15 seconds). (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35809, @jrajahalme)
- clustermesh: add guardrails for known broken ENI/aws-chaining + cluster ID combination (Backport MR #35543, Upstream MR #35349, @giorio94)
- helm: Lower default
to 365 days (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35630, @chancez) - helm: New socketLB.tracing flag (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35747, @pchaigno)
- hubble-relay: Return underlying connection errors when connecting to peer manager (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35632, @chancez)
- netkit: Fix issue where traffic originating from the host namespace fails to reach the pod when using endpoint routes and network policies. (Backport MR #35543, Upstream MR #35306, @jrife)
- Avoid duplicate errors in health status for node-neighbor-link-updater (Backport MR #35468, Upstream MR #35179, @wedaly)
- bgpv1: fix reconciliation of services with shared VIPs (Backport MR #35468, Upstream MR #35333, @rastislavs)
- bgpv2,operator: Fix the race condition in the nodeSelector conflict detection logic (Backport MR #35863, Upstream MR #35690, @YutaroHayakawa)
- bgpv2: set local peering address when specified (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35552, @harsimran-pabla)
- Cilium datapath now gives precedence for the more specific allow rule with L7 rules when rules with port ranges are present. (Backport MR #35603, Upstream MR #35150, @jrajahalme)
- Cilium's DNS proxy no longer gets stuck for a specific five-tuple if an
timeout waiting for response
error is encountered. (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35589, @bimmlerd) - config: Remove superfluous warning on native routing CIDR (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35738, @gandro)
- Fix missing flowlabel hash on SRv6 traffic. (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35498, @akaliwod)
- Fix packet drops for pod-to-pod connections that pass through ingress & egress proxy when using IPsec, caused by MTU misconfiguration. (Backport MR #35543, Upstream MR #35173, @smagnani96)
- Fix possible disruption of long running pod to node traffic on agent restart in kvstore mode (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35673, @giorio94)
- Fix redirect from L3 device to remote endpoint via overlay network. (Backport MR #35468, Upstream MR #35165, @julianwiedmann)
- Fixed a bug where replies for pod-originating connections came into scope of HostFW Ingress Network policy. Applicable to configurations that use iptables for Masquerading. (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35694, @julianwiedmann)
- Fixes a bug where the operator incorrectly flagged CiliumNetworkPolicies containing ICMP rules as invalid. (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35599, @squeed)
- Fixes a performance regression when ingesting network policies in clusters with large numbers of Services. (Backport MR #35543, Upstream MR #35293, @squeed)
- Fixes a potential deadlock when restarting cilium agent with pods with DNS interception configured (Backport MR #35906, Upstream MR #35890, @squeed)
- Fixes BPF Masquerading exclusion CIDR for IPAM modes "eni", "azure" and "alibabacloud". (#35611, @pippolo84)
- helm: Fix configmap unmarshal error on egressGateway.maxPolicyEntries (Backport MR #35319, Upstream MR #35301, @hox)
- helm: fix duplicate configmap key for
(Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35703, @solidDoWant) - helm: set automountServiceAccountToken to false for hubble-relay sa (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35674, @ayuspin)
- hubble: fix endpoint cluster name (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35415, @kaworu)
- hubble: Lock exporters while gathering metrics (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35860, @joestringer)
- Ingress endpoint is now included in the lxcmap so that ARP and ND6 work for them. (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35143, @jrajahalme)
- ipam: Validate CiliumNode resource in ENI mode (Backport MR #35792, Upstream MR #35784, @sayboras)
- l7lb: fix registration of flag loadbalancer-l7 (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35623, @mhofstetter)
- Log errors when reloading hubble exporter configuration dynamically and do not attempt to close os.Stdout (Backport MR #35319, Upstream MR #35069, @chancez)
- option: Reduce log level for WG strict mode + IPv6 (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35763, @pchaigno)
- Policy properly propagates proxy listener name and priority from a L3 wildcard rule with policies requiring authentication. (Backport MR #35468, Upstream MR #35381, @jrajahalme)
- treewide: Add wrapper for
functions that may fail withErrDumpInterrupted
(Backport MR #35654, Upstream MR #35614, @gandro) - wireguard: Fix connectivity issues following node reboots. (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35750, @jrife)
CI Changes:
- .github/conformance-ginkgo: replace deprecated jq flag (Backport MR #35468, Upstream MR #35399, @aanm)
- .github: extend timeout for tests-ipsec-upgrade workflow (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35657, @rastislavs)
- .github: remove libncurses5 from integration tests (Backport MR #35468, Upstream MR #35408, @aanm)
- [v1.16] gh: e2e-upgrade: restart LRP backend pod after upgrade (#35329, @ysksuzuki)
- [v1.16] github: update rhel8 LVH image to rhel8.6 (#35733, @julianwiedmann)
- Additionally test KVStore mode in E2E/IPSec workflows (Backport MR #35905, Upstream MR #35679, @giorio94)
- ci: conformance-kind: re-enable flaky Aggregator test (Backport MR #35582, Upstream MR #35286, @julianwiedmann)
- ci: datapath-verifier: bump lvh images (Backport MR #35648, Upstream MR #35456, @julianwiedmann)
- gha: Update chmod command (Backport MR #35468, Upstream MR #35400, @sayboras)
- github: Pass the workflow step timeout to go test (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35814, @jrajahalme)
- Refactor and set a default for GH_RUNNER_EXTRA_POWER (Backport MR #35319, Upstream MR #35267, @aanm)
- workflows/gateway-api: Cover IPsec with GatewayAPI (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35584, @pchaigno)
- workflows/ingress: Run basic checks (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35683, @pchaigno)
- workflows/ipsec: Cover Ingress (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35476, @pchaigno)
- workflows: Extend IPsec tests to cover egress gateway (Backport MR #35540, Upstream MR #35323, @pchaigno)
Misc Changes:
- .github/build-images-base: checkout base branch to get scripts (Backport MR #35319, Upstream MR #35236, @aanm)
- .github: remove retention days for image digests (Backport MR #35468, Upstream MR #35457, @aanm)
- bpf: vxlan helper improvements (Backport MR #35543, Upstream MR #34755, @julianwiedmann)
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#35382, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#35439, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#35573, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#35710, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#35438, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update docker.io/library/golang:1.22.8 docker digest to
(v1.16) (#35730, @cilium-renovate[bot]) - chore(deps): update docker.io/library/golang:1.22.8 docker digest to
(v1.16) (#35379, @cilium-renovate[bot]) - chore(deps): update go to v1.22.9 (v1.16) (#35854, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update quay.io/cilium/cilium-envoy docker tag to v1.29.9-1729635771-fa4efeff33a344a45e14a4068c61dc438b3d2270 (v1.16) (#35491, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update stable lvh-images (v1.16) (patch) (#35731, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- cilium, docs: Extend requirements for L7 proxy (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35669, @borkmann)
- cilium: add probe for netkit for more user friendly error when not supported (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35551, @borkmann)
- ctrl-runtime: lower severity of retryable reconcile errors (Backport MR #35592, Upstream MR #35364, @giorio94)
- daemon: Reduce level of socket LB tracing warning (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35798, @pchaigno)
- datapath: move policy map value prefix length to flags (Backport MR #35603, Upstream MR #35534, @jrajahalme)
- dnsproxy: fix error when sessionUDPFactory fails (Backport MR #35543, Upstream MR #33998, @marseel)
- docs/ipsec: Remove KPR limitation (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35743, @pchaigno)
- docs/xfrm: Fix incorrect statement regarding XFRM IN policies (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35626, @pchaigno)
- docs: Change invalid Helm option --agent.enabled with --agent=false in upgrade documentation (Backport MR #35319, Upstream MR #35288, @oneumyvakin)
- docs: clean up stale kernel requirements (Backport MR #35582, Upstream MR #35575, @julianwiedmann)
- docs: Fix incorrect link to RFC 4271 for BGP control plane timers. (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35725, @nvibert)
- docs: kpr: update error message regarding SocketLB tracing (Backport MR #35468, Upstream MR #35337, @julianwiedmann)
- docs: tuning: XDP LB also supports tunnel routing (Backport MR #35582, Upstream MR #35574, @julianwiedmann)
- docs: update 1.16 upgrade note for LRP (#35944, @ysksuzuki)
- docs: update default identity label filters (Backport MR #35468, Upstream MR #35422, @marseel)
- docs: XFRM reference guide for IPsec development (Backport MR #35582, Upstream MR #35322, @pchaigno)
- Envoy simplify listener setup (Backport MR #35764, Upstream MR #35642, @jrajahalme)
- envoy: Configure internal_address_config to avoid warning log (Backport MR #35471, Upstream MR #35090, @sayboras)
- envoy: Limit started serving logging to the typeURL of the stream (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35736, @jrajahalme)
- Fix wrongly spelled config option in error message (Backport MR #35543, Upstream MR #35390, @baurmatt)
- helm: clarify text for serviceNoBackendResponse (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35734, @julianwiedmann)
- hubble: Add 'release' Make target (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35561, @michi-covalent)
- image: Use cilium-builder instead of golang as operator builder image (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35351, @learnitall)
- iptables: always warn about missing xt_socket module (Backport MR #35781, Upstream MR #35591, @julianwiedmann)
- makefile: add target to install Cilium in kvstore mode (Backport MR #35905, Upstream MR #35646, @giorio94)
- proxy: Ensure proxy ports are written on shutdown (Backport MR #35908, Upstream MR #35839, @jrajahalme)
- Silence spurious clustermesh-related warnings (Backport MR #35850, Upstream MR #35867, @giorio94)
Other Changes:
- [v1.16] envoy: Add configuration for OverloadManager (#35787, @sayboras)
- [v1.16] envoy: Bump envoy version from 1.29.x to 1.30.x (#35563, @sayboras)
- [v1.16] policy/correlation: Fix
case (#35681, @gandro) - chore(deps): update cilium-envoy dependency (#35920, @sayboras)
- install: Update image digests for v1.16.3 (#35361, @cilium-release-bot[bot])
- Policy add deny rule test and benchmark (#35714, @jrajahalme)
Docker Manifests
: 1.16.3
Summary of Changes
- bgpv2: fix reconciliation of services with shared VIPs (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35166, @rastislavs)
- bgpv2: Fix service reconciliation logic to update service advertisement metadata only after successful reconciliation (Backport MR #35036, Upstream MR #34976, @rastislavs)
- bpf: nat: recreate a NAT entry if the packet hits the stale entry (Backport MR #35036, Upstream MR #34913, @ysksuzuki)
- bugtool: fix cilium-health command (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35068, @ayuspin)
- Fix a low-probability issue where the DNS proxy could occasionally drop DNS queries due to "duplicate request id" errors. (Backport MR #35036, Upstream MR #34941, @bimmlerd)
- Fix issue where bpf packet buffer mark would in some cases set incorrect mark value resulting in incorrectly SNATed traffic. (Backport MR #35036, Upstream MR #34789, @tommyp1ckles)
- Fix parameter check to forbid IPAM ENI with TUNNEL routing, and prevent agent segfault when also IPSec is enabled. (Backport MR #34918, Upstream MR #34651, @smagnani96)
- Fixed bug in LB-IPAM where restarting the operator would unshare previously shared IPs between services (Backport MR #35036, Upstream MR #34783, @dylandreimerink)
- Fixed bug in tracking policy changes that could have resulted in revert not woking in failure cases as expected. (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35109, @jrajahalme)
- Fixed bug where service id allocator would loop infinity when out of service ids (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35033, @WeeNews)
- Fixes startup fatal error when updating CiliumNode resource. (Backport MR #34918, Upstream MR #34862, @harsimran-pabla)
- gateway-api: Align GRPCRoute matchers with GEP specification (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #34808, @cfsnyder)
- helm template function no longer errors when using k8sServiceHost: auto (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35186, @kreeuwijk)
- hubble: add printer for lost events (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35208, @aanm)
- ipcache: Yet another refcounting fix with mix of APIs (Backport MR #35036, Upstream MR #34715, @gandro)
- netkit: Allow ARP packets through when using host firewall. (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35070, @jrife)
- wireguard: Fix issue where updates to a WireGuard device's configuration caused connectivity blips. (Backport MR #35115, Upstream MR #34612, @jrife)
CI Changes:
- .github/lint-build-commits: fix workflow for push events (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35264, @aanm)
- .github: create cache directories on cache miss (Backport MR #35157, Upstream MR #35088, @aanm)
- .github: do not push floating tag from MRs (Backport MR #35230, Upstream MR #35227, @aanm)
- .github: install golang action after checkout (Backport MR #35157, Upstream MR #34843, @aanm)
- .github: re-enable configurations in e2e-upgrade (Backport MR #35157, Upstream MR #34800, @aanm)
- .github: specify cache-dependency-path in lint-workflows (Backport MR #35157, Upstream MR #34845, @aanm)
- [1.16] test: Skip envoy internal_address_config warning log (#35053, @pippolo84)
- [v1.16] gha: fix incorrect go version in lint-build-commits workflow (#35312, @giorio94)
- ci: conformance-[gateway-api|ginkgo|ingress] wait for images before matrix generation (Backport MR #34918, Upstream MR #34820, @aanm)
- fix: repository nil value handled on workflow_dispatch context for renovate updates (Backport MR #34918, Upstream MR #34902, @Artyop)
- servicemesh, ci: run internal to NodePort test (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35177, @marseel)
Misc Changes:
- .github: add cache to cilium-cli and hubble-cli build workflows (Backport MR #35157, Upstream MR #34847, @aanm)
- .github: clean up disk for lint-build workflow (Backport MR #35157, Upstream MR #35141, @aanm)
- .github: fix build image process to commit changes (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35262, @aanm)
- .github: fix lvh-kind warnings (Backport MR #35157, Upstream MR #34811, @aanm)
- .github: fix runtime image digests (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35107, @aanm)
- .github: push floating tag for push events for stable branches (#35235, @aanm)
- [v1.16] .github: do not update github runners for bpf workflows (#35106, @aanm)
- [v1.16] manually update dependency cilium/cilium-cli to v0.16.19 (v1.16) (#35310, @julianwiedmann)
- bgpv2/docs: add ebgp multihop documentation (Backport MR #35036, Upstream MR #34951, @harsimran-pabla)
- bgpv2: cleanup service reconciliation logic (Backport MR #35036, Upstream MR #34959, @rastislavs)
- Change GH runners to GH's default (Backport MR #35157, Upstream MR #33451, @aanm)
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#35025, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#35082, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.16) (#35250, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#35005, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.16) (#35283, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency cilium/cilium-cli to v0.16.18 (v1.16) (#34999, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update docker.io/library/golang:1.22.7 docker digest to
(v1.16) (#35101, @cilium-renovate[bot]) - chore(deps): update go to v1.22.8 (v1.16) (#35201, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update quay.io/cilium/cilium-envoy docker tag to v1.29.9-1727741018-e3a7412f65722ebbe34254b3582b89d315765d0d (v1.16) (#35137, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update quay.io/cilium/cilium-envoy docker tag to v1.29.9-1727997080-b094128ed01b784b63ada19b54f8c7fdc3042e6e (v1.16) (#35218, @cilium-renovate[bot])
- cilium-cli: Show config.cilium.io annotations on configmap (Backport MR #35155, Upstream MR #35020, @joamaki)
- docs: Add known issue for netkit endpoint route issues (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35126, @jrife)
- docs: fix EKS Kubernetes compatibility link (Backport MR #35036, Upstream MR #34922, @fjvela)
- docs: Improve warning on insecure global IPsec keys (Backport MR #34918, Upstream MR #34846, @pchaigno)
- docs: move sig-policy to second Tuesday of the month (Backport MR #35115, Upstream MR #35040, @squeed)
- fix: Assign PodStore from Pod resource until cell migration is completed (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #34090, @dlapcevic)
- helm: add client auth to hubble server certificate (Backport MR #35036, Upstream MR #34934, @kaworu)
- helm: set key usages for hubble certificates with cert-manager (Backport MR #35036, Upstream MR #34946, @kaworu)
- Improve speed on lint commits GH workflow (Backport MR #35157, Upstream MR #34848, @aanm)
- install/kubernetes: fix Operator's clusterrole for pods deletion (Backport MR #35274, Upstream MR #35193, @aanm)
- Re-write GitHub cache usages across workflows (Backport MR #35157, Upstream MR #34866, @aanm)
- Remove conformance-e2e tests (Backport MR #35157, Upstream MR #34742, @aanm)
Other Changes:
- [v1.16] Add missing test coverage in v1.16 branch (#35223, @aanm)
- [v1.16] author backport: fix ENABLE_LOCAL_REDIRECT_POLICY (#35129, @ysksuzuki)
- [v1.16] author backport: LRP fixes (#35072, @ysksuzuki)
- [v1.16] ginkgo: disable test for deprecated annotations-based L7 visibility (#35160, @tklauser)
- [v1.16] test/k8s: replace L7 visibility Pod annotations by L7 visibility policy (#35151, @tklauser)
- install: Update image digests for v1.16.2 (#35052, @cilium-release-bot[bot])
Docker Manifests
If you want to rebase/retry this MR, check this box
This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot. Tell Nogweii if it blows up.